Although there are times when no amount of work seems good enough for that perfect garden. Many women are frustrated these days, and aren’t shy about showing that frustration. Most homeowners ask themselves the following question: “Why is my garden so ugly?” Below are the most common reasons why a garden looks bad and some simple solutions.

Clutter Is Everywhere

The main reason your garden looks unkempt or unattractive is likely disorganization. Sticky pottery pots or shards, rusty trowels or hoes, or things that are haphazardly piled up around the garden space won’t work here. Quickly run around and pick up things that don’t fit where they belong. Clutter is always an eyesore, so it’s easy to see that removing it will automatically enhance the look of the garden.


Perhaps, it is possible to put the tools in another room and add more than 2 pieces of art to the room. Simplicity is the key.

Unhealthy Plants

He who sows bad seeds will always have bad crops. Twigs, ears, or plants that look diseased or that are not standing straight or growing properly are also going to give your garden a sad look. Flowers, trees and every other plant needs attention to grow properly so it should be given attention.

Overgrown Weeds

These are among the most aggressive plants that can grow very quickly if allowed to take root in your compound. They give your garden a rather unkempt appearance associated with haphazard neglect. Not only does this look bad, but it also deprives the plants you want to grow of their nutrients.

Solution: Remove weeds often, and cover the soil with mulch to prevent regrowth. In addition, mulch also contributes to the retention of moisture in the soil, so, again, it is beneficial!

Poor Garden Layout

Sometimes, this can be a problem with the layout of the home or office space. A large area of ​​vegetation that lacks systematic arrangement appears haphazard, even if the vegetation is in good horticultural health. This is a great piece of advice because if all the items seem randomly placed, it may be time to rethink.


Create a structure in your garden by defining paths or sections. There are various options in the construction of roads. The most common are stone, brick or even wooden planks. Also, arrange plants with similar needs together, and keep tall plants back.

Too Many or Too Few Plants

Focusing too much on too many or too few plants will make your garden look dull. Although plants are beautiful, the problem arises when you plant multiple plants in the same place, and the result is unpleasant – messy or crowded. On the other hand, if the garden is planted with very few plants, it looks like no plants are planted at all.


Find the equilibrium. This doesn’t mean you have to occupy every single area of ​​your garden as much as possible, just something simple and interesting to look at. It’s possible to add some flower beds or even a small tree for variety.

Here is a simple but beautiful table chart to illustrate the garden maintenance schedule:

TaskFrequencyTools Needed
Watering plantsDaily (in summer)Watering can or hose
WeedingWeeklyGarden gloves, trowel
Pruning plantsMonthlyPruners
Mowing the lawnBi-weeklyLawn mower
Fertilizing soilEvery 2 monthsFertilizer spreader
Planting new flowersSeasonallyShovel, plant seeds
Table Chart

This is a great way to make your garden look its best!

Lack of Color

One runs the risk of designing an all-green garden because one may feel that such landscapes lack vibrancy in terms of texture and color. Flowers, shrubs and decorative plants add life and energy to the garden so adding a few is advisable.

No Focal Point

A beautiful garden usually has a purpose – something that people can look at and even be fascinated by. Without it, your garden might be a junkyard filled with haphazardly growing plants.


Possibly add a bench, a bird bath or a cute little pond. This way your garden becomes somewhat more central and therefore watering your plants becomes more attractive.

Lighting Problems

Sometimes your garden is beautiful in the morning or evening but becomes almost non-existent at night. Although the gardens are beautiful to look at it lacks proper lighting especially in the evening.

Solution: Install outdoor lighting. Garden path lights or lights in flower beds will help your garden look beautiful at night. Moreover, it creates a warm and safe environment when you are out after dark.

Lawn Problems

If you have a lawn in your garden, it’s important to call it a day with the grass you have. It can also be caused by uneven, uneven, or bushy lawns that can spoil the look of the entire garden.

Solution: Mow and water your lawn on time. It also helps to regenerate any areas that are now exposed as well as helping to ensure that it receives the nutrients it needs. Mow and groom your lawn to completely change the look of your garden.

Ignoring the Seasons

Your garden may look great in one season only to look terrible the rest of the year. In other cases, not maintaining your garden for certain seasons can cause it to be absent or even dead for part of the year.

Solution: Plan for every season. Some plants die during the holidays, so make sure you choose ones that are acceptable year-round or, if not, replace with plants that are appropriate for that particular season. For example, you should plant bulbous flowers during the fall if they are to bloom in the spring. This keeps the garden green and attractive throughout the year.

Helpful Videos for a Better Garden:

Here are some YouTube videos that can give you a better idea of ​​how to improve your garden:

Final Thoughts

Don’t worry if your garden is unsightly! The error is usually not difficult to solve, if some work and time is invested. The first thing to consider is to remove unnecessary items from the office, take care of plants and general order. Soon, instead of an ugly place in the compound, you will have a beautiful garden!